@InvestinBavaria 1 year ago
The InsurTech Hub Munich has launched the application for theirNXT: Distribution Innovation Programme which calls for cross-industry solutions and can help startups in different ways. https://www.insurtech-munich.com/nxt-distribution/ #insurancedistribution #NXTDistribution #successinBavaria #startups
@eenriquelopez 2 years ago
Do you know a company based in Munich that could help us with our next Meetup? Let us know! https://twitter.com/KTUGMunich/status/1457975643300241409
@lehtimaeki 3 years ago
Trying to help some of these businesses to stay in business over the lockdown. I just supported these nice people. The pool is calling... https://www.startnext.com/babyschwimmen-muenchen via @startnext
@wahibhaq 3 years ago
Re-sharing because we need more audience If you are an "Embedded Software Engineer" at heart with knowledge/experience of "IoT world" and want to now help other developers, a very interesting opportunity is waiting for you at @Huawei Location: Munich Please RT https://twitter.com/wahibhaq/status/1283512093350801417
@lehtimaeki 4 years ago
Please help promoting this amazing FREE community event in Munich by RTing the quoted tweet. We still have free space left. https://twitter.com/GDGMucAndroid/status/1144232311518420994
@svorklab 5 years ago
Looking forward to our first #SketchMunich Meetup in 2019! Big thanks to @GoogleDE for having us! Please get in touch if you want to give a talk (remote is an option) I need your help, Speakers! 🥨https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Sketch-Design-Munich/events/258355772/ #isarvalley #sketchapp #meetup #munich
@lehtimaeki 2 years ago
People of Munich, here are many things you can do to help! Ukrainians arriving to Munich, on this site you find a form you can fill in to find accommodation in the city. https://twitter.com/StadtMuenchen/status/1498234682831523843
@lehtimaeki 2 years ago
Making public transit better is one key part of making our city nicer to live in as well help the environment. Happy to see these improvements happening. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/muenchen-politik-busse-tempo-1.5367170
@lehtimaeki 3 years ago
There is something comforting that the vaccinations have started in Munich (as well as in Finland). By the end of March Munich should have about 10% of the population vaccinated. I'd hope that at that point the herd immunity is starting slowly help to stop the spread as well. https://twitter.com/StadtMuenchen/status/1343236378868523015
@wahibhaq 4 years ago
This is a great time to take lead in @Huawei's #Opensource and #Community Initiatives ✌️ The team has ambitious plans and they are looking for someone to help and build it. Office location: Munich or Milan Please RT and my DMs are also open! #huawei https://wrkbl.ink/9K3boAw
@bmeurer 5 years ago
Let's discuss what kind of signals the JavaScript engine should expose to (advanced) tools and developers to help them write better applications (and avoid falling off performance cliffs). Join me for a session in the #jskongress #deeptrack! https://github.com/JSKongress/JS-Kongress-Munich-In-Deep-Track/issues/26
@InvestinBavaria 1 year ago
The InsurTech Hub Munich has launched the application for theirNXT: Distribution Innovation Programme which calls for cross-industry solutions and can help startups in different ways. https://www.insurtech-munich.com/nxt-distribution/ #insurancedistribution #NXTDistribution #successinBavaria #startups
@lehtimaeki 2 years ago
People of Munich, here are many things you can do to help! Ukrainians arriving to Munich, on this site you find a form you can fill in to find accommodation in the city. https://twitter.com/StadtMuenchen/status/1498234682831523843
@eenriquelopez 2 years ago
Do you know a company based in Munich that could help us with our next Meetup? Let us know! https://twitter.com/KTUGMunich/status/1457975643300241409
@lehtimaeki 2 years ago
Making public transit better is one key part of making our city nicer to live in as well help the environment. Happy to see these improvements happening. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/muenchen-politik-busse-tempo-1.5367170
@lehtimaeki 3 years ago
Trying to help some of these businesses to stay in business over the lockdown. I just supported these nice people. The pool is calling... https://www.startnext.com/babyschwimmen-muenchen via @startnext
@lehtimaeki 3 years ago
There is something comforting that the vaccinations have started in Munich (as well as in Finland). By the end of March Munich should have about 10% of the population vaccinated. I'd hope that at that point the herd immunity is starting slowly help to stop the spread as well. https://twitter.com/StadtMuenchen/status/1343236378868523015
@wahibhaq 3 years ago
Re-sharing because we need more audience If you are an "Embedded Software Engineer" at heart with knowledge/experience of "IoT world" and want to now help other developers, a very interesting opportunity is waiting for you at @Huawei Location: Munich Please RT https://twitter.com/wahibhaq/status/1283512093350801417
@wahibhaq 4 years ago
This is a great time to take lead in @Huawei's #Opensource and #Community Initiatives ✌️ The team has ambitious plans and they are looking for someone to help and build it. Office location: Munich or Milan Please RT and my DMs are also open! #huawei https://wrkbl.ink/9K3boAw
@lehtimaeki 4 years ago
Please help promoting this amazing FREE community event in Munich by RTing the quoted tweet. We still have free space left. https://twitter.com/GDGMucAndroid/status/1144232311518420994
@bmeurer 5 years ago
Let's discuss what kind of signals the JavaScript engine should expose to (advanced) tools and developers to help them write better applications (and avoid falling off performance cliffs). Join me for a session in the #jskongress #deeptrack! https://github.com/JSKongress/JS-Kongress-Munich-In-Deep-Track/issues/26
@svorklab 5 years ago
Looking forward to our first #SketchMunich Meetup in 2019! Big thanks to @GoogleDE for having us! Please get in touch if you want to give a talk (remote is an option) I need your help, Speakers! 🥨https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Sketch-Design-Munich/events/258355772/ #isarvalley #sketchapp #meetup #munich