@changelog.com 1 month ago
⚡ Lightning Talk life ⚡
@changelog.com 1 month ago
Big shoes to fill
@changelog.com 1 month ago
OpenAPI & API Design
@changelog.com 2 months ago
Dependencies are dangerous
@changelog.com 3 months ago
Is Go evolving in the wrong direction?
@changelog.com 3 months ago
How things get done on the Go Team
@changelog.com 4 months ago
What if Google lays off the Go team?
@changelog.com 5 months ago
Ship software, not code
@changelog.com 5 months ago
The magic of a trace
@changelog.com 6 months ago
@changelog.com 6 months ago
Jumping into an existing codebase
@changelog.com 7 months ago
Creating art & visualizations with Go
@go.dev 7 months ago
Robust generic functions on slices
@changelog.com 7 months ago
What's new in Go 1.22
@changelog.com 8 months ago
All about Kafka
@changelog.com 10 months ago
Principles of simplicity
@changelog.com 12 months ago
Zero Trust & Go
@changelog.com 1 year ago
What's new in Go 1.21
@changelog.com 1 year ago
So do we like Generics or not?
@changelog.com 1 year ago
The tools we love
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Of prompts and engineers
@changelog.com 1 year ago
HallwayConf! A new style of conference
@changelog.com 1 year ago
The bits of Go we avoid (and why)
@go.dev 1 year ago
All your comparable types
@changelog.com 1 year ago
What's new in Go 1.20
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Long-term code maintenance
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Making Go more efficient
@changelog.com 1 year ago
gRPC & protocol buffers
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Functional programming with generics?
@changelog.com 2 years ago
The pain of dependency management
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Revisiting Caddy
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Analyzing static analysis
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Instrumentation for gophers
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Go code organization best practices
@changelog.com 2 years ago
How can we prevent legacy from creeping in?
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Mastering Go
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Bob Logblaw Log Blog
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Building and using APIs with Go
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Migrations without migraines
@changelog.com 2 years ago
AI-driven development in Go
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Coding Go in the blind
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Eventually consistent (managing data at scale)
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Discussing Go's annual developer survey
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Just about managing
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Maintaining ourselves
@changelog.com 2 years ago
eBPF and Go
@changelog.com 3 years ago
Books that teach Go
@changelog.com 3 years ago
Building actually maintainable software