@go.dev 9 days ago
Building LLM-powered applications in Go
@go.dev 1 month ago
Range Over Function Types
@changelog.com 1 month ago
What's new in Go 1.23
@changelog.com 6 months ago
Questions from a new Go developer
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Go templating using Templ
@go.dev 1 year ago
Scaling gopls for the growing Go ecosystem
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Prototyping with Go
@changelog.com 1 year ago
So do we like Generics or not?
@changelog.com 1 year ago
This will blow your docs off
@go.dev 1 year ago
All your comparable types
@changelog.com 1 year ago
Who owns our code? Part 2
@mtsoukalos.eu 1 year ago
Free the Geek podcast
@changelog.com 2 years ago
What's new in Go 1.19
@mtsoukalos.eu 2 years ago
Guide to the Go GC
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Might Go actually be OOP?
@go.dev 2 years ago
When To Use Generics
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Answering questions for the Go-curious
@mtsoukalos.eu 2 years ago
Go Time 221 Recording
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Mastering Go
@go.dev 2 years ago
Go 1.18 is released!
@mtsoukalos.eu 2 years ago
Go Time podcast
@changelog.com 2 years ago
Going with GraphQL
@mtsoukalos.eu 2 years ago
January 2022 review of Mastering Go, 3rd edition
@mtsoukalos.eu 2 years ago
Another Review of Mastering Go, 3rd Edition